
Dec. 3rd, 2011-- UPDATED CHALLENGES!


Love creating artwork but you can't find that extra-little push you need to get going? Looking for a community of artists to share your progress with? Want to press your foundations and aesthetic choices to the max?

Look no further! Open Crits is now a WEEKLY DESIGN CHALLENGE that will push you to get back to your foundations to enforce well-rounded drawings. All artists are welcomed, though for now the assignments will be geared more toward animation-themed work.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Aponibolinayen_Watercolor Underpainting_WIP

This is somewhat of a coloring experiment for me. I did a watercolor under painting and I plan to finish it digitally. I'd like to incorporate some of the texture and pooling that watercolor offers. Hopefully it goes well, so we'll see. Otherwise, I'll fall back on the original scans.

As for the fixes, I hope the hair makes more sense now that I added lines to indicate strands and added a unified value. I tried to fix the boob problem, but it seems like it always seems more disproportionate when I'm looking at the scanned version. Hopefully I can fix that in post, so that this girl can live in harmony with gravity.



    No really, I do. I think the lines will help, but the definition of the digital paint, to emphasize them even a bit more will help immensely-- so just keep on the same track is my vote! I can't waaait to see thissss finisheddd! =D

  2. im liking where this is going. i think there should be a little more definition where the tree is on the left side. the background wash and its shadow right now are very similar. i can't wait to see the digital paint too! this is fucking awesome.

  3. hm.....i think the watercolor wash softened up your lines a little too much. Also i notice you have a lot of line work going on. Which on the one hand isn't a bad thing (especially when you're feeling out a sketch) but for a more finished polished look you might have to think about narrowing things down. I feel a picture like this might benefit from clearer bolder lines to support her bold attitude.
